Tuesday, January 25, 2011


EEEeee boring nye..Sudah sudah lah tu..kita semua pun dah berumur..sepatutnya berfikiran lebih matang. Apa perlukah kita mengata dan mengumpat kawan kita dibelakang?atau pun nak mengenakan kengkawan tu biarlah bertempat....maanusia nie..makin tua makin sensitif.

Bila bergurau tu pun ada batasannya jugak..nie tidak..dalam facebook bagi komen yang merapu..kekadang tu yang bukan-bukan....langsung tak faham...Apa perlu kah kawan kita tu bertukar untuk membahagiakan kita?kalau dia dah macam tu..macam tu lah jugak..kawan tu tak pernah menyusahkan sesiapa..udah udah lah tu ...

Be considerate of other people's feelings without finding excuses for unacceptable behaviour.

To XXXXX relax..those are neither your fault nor your responsibility. Some friends are confused...said far too little about far too many issues... try to keep cool ya..and see humour in the situation and you'll be able to laugh it off...

Take me for example...undeserved remarks I used to receive were very upsetting..but I learnt to let it go...they're just jealous for what I've got and what I've achieved...I don't care. Only those who have been ill treated knows how the other person felt.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Is There Life after 50?

Yes,there is life after 50 ..I don't feel 50 but I'm more confident and hey..how many more mistakes can we make at 50?

The morning of my 50th birthday,I lay in bed reflecting on my life so far and what I had learnt a year before,after my husband operation on his heart.It was truly a nightmare...to an fro the hospital,seeing to his needs and made him accommodating. Children were afraid..what if and what if..

Most women don't want to tell their age but I'm proud to tell the world that I'm 50 and I want to celebrate every birthday till 80?or probably more...

The things I'd learned in my life,the mistakes I've made and the choices I'd taken....At this age,I still have girlfriends who love me (infact they wouldn't want to leave me) my SL ( a dentist ) and my KT (a PA ). We've been together ever since the three of us met by accident in the maternity ward hehehehe in maternity ward!!.

We all delivered beautiful baby girl 23yrs ago.

There's some sort of a chemistry we have and it's truly amazing that our friendship could survive till now....I thank ALLAH for blessing me with that charm and that smile. Relationship that has to be kept a secret. Well,our lives aren't perfect,we're not doing what we should be...we thought that we have failed in some way.Yet the truth is it's OK to have a messy life and get things wrong. Its OK to go after something and fail...we should not be afraid of not being perfect or fear the failure...we should embrace the life we have and live every moment to the full.

I decided to make each day joyful and meaningful in even one small way...